Sunday, November 8, 2009

We spent the day at Atkinson Dam today, where Mick and the girls went in the canoe and paddled to the other side and played in the water. They all had a ball, and we were lucky with the weather, except for a bit of wind every now and then that made it hard for Mick to paddle! We then headed off and had lunch in the park before heading home. After the usual jobs of cleaning up etc that you do when you arrive home from a day out, I decided to bake a slice that was on my friend Catherine's blog, . I made the chocolate weetbix slice, and I am sure it did'nt turn out like hers! Apart from sustituting brown sugar for raw sugar, it just did'nt make it! It is still yummy and we ate it, but I hope for a better outcome next time!! Just to make it clear, it was my cooking not Catherines!!

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