Saturday, November 7, 2009

"Hoppy Christmas"

This is a wall hanging I made today, for some relatives who live in England. It is a little different how they had it in "Creating Country Threads", different color, my hanging tabs are different, etc but I find I cant follow patterns too well! They give me a great starting point and lots of inspiration, but I go off and do my own thing in a way and refer back to the mags if needed! Still have lots to learn, but at least my stitching is getting better - I am really happy with this, and I hope our rellies will love this piece of aussie christmas! Apart from stitching, and being with the family, I have started doing a LO, my first one in months!!! Making xmas cards took up a lot of time, as does the sewing, but I was itching to get a LO done, so when I saw Stick n Giggle had their monthly challenge packs out I thought I'd get one to get me going! Have almost finished and will upload when i can. Missed scrapbooking! Am off now, after the rain and heat we have had the little bugs are out and nipping me while I sit here. Will try to get back on here soon and not leave so long between posts. Thanks for looking :)

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